The Organization

ADAMS (Association for Development Activity of Manifold Social-work) is a non-government development organization works for the underprivileged poor people of a low income in Bangladesh. Founding in 1994, ADAMS has been working in 12 vulnerable districts to fight against poverty, inequality and discrimination.

In the development process of ADAMS, priority is always given on the participation of the beneficiaries to transform the human deprivation into human resources through making the poor potential people self-reliant.

Since it’s inception, ADAMS’s development process had included education for both child & adult; health & nutrition; women’s empowerment; capacity building; food security and livelihoods; climate change adaptation and mitigation; agricultural and natural resources; arsenic mitigation; renewal energy; strengthening civil society; reduction of disaster risk and emergency response.

ADAMS development efforts is not merely to achieve sustainable economic uplift for its beneficiaries-but also to revive the lost moral values in a state of democracy, justice, consciousness and eco-balanced society.

In the above aspect ADAMS General and Executive Committees play important role and involve in the activities of the organization spontaneously. Thus the planning and implementing wings together for enhanced outputs and impact.

Contact us

ADAMS (Head Office)
130, Kedernath Road, Moheswar Pasha
Daulatpur, KUET-9203, Khulna.
Phone: +(88) 041 774426, 041 774048
For General Enquiries:

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