Disaster Management

Why we do?

Disaster management has now become an earth shaking news for its

crying need. We, the mankind are now directly threatened with climate change. We can’t but saying Bangladesh is regarded as one of the climate vulnerable countries. Global Climate Risk Index ranked Bangladesh sixth among top 10 vulnerable counties within the last 20 years. This vulnerability is associated with several vital issues, for example, sea level rise, salinity intrusion, frequent cyclones; floods
etc. South-western coastal zone of Bangladesh is considered the most vulnerable region. These natural disasters are responsible for loss of livelihoods and crop loss leading to food shortage and unemployment. These socio-economic impacts often forces people to migrate in nearby towns or cities.

Why we do?
Disaster management has now become an earth shaking news for its crying need.

We can’t prevent disaster but we can take precaution andimprove preparedness measures through training and management activities as well as learning techniques of adaptation and mitigation. ADAMS has been playing a role in the disaster management field for the last 22 years. ADAMS makes people aware on disaster preparedness under disaster management program. In time of emergency response, ADAMS distributes standard relief items to the disaster victims. Adaptive housing construction, water system and sanitation installation and Income Generating Activities are the major components of ADAMS in the rehabilitation phase.ADAMS is implementing comprehensive climate change management program focusing adaptive capacity building, adaptation and mitigation interventions. Adaptive agriculture & fisheries, housing & WATSAN are the major elements for climate change adaptation. ADAMS contributes in the mitigation intervention through tree plantation, solar home system & bio-gas installation and Improved Cooking System (ICS) practices.

What’s in mind?

We like to teach climate vulnerable people how to survive from climate disaster and its affects, improved alternative skill development for climate induced poor people, procedures of adaptation and mitigation disseminating tips-off among the climate vulnerable people.

Contact us

ADAMS (Head Office)
130, Kedernath Road, Moheswar Pasha
Daulatpur, KUET-9203, Khulna.
Phone: +(88) 041 774426, 041 774048
For General Enquiries: info@adams-bd.org

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