Health & WATSAN

Why we do?

Health is wealth. The world wide popular proverb is to
grow mental attitude towards health and to accumulate the essentiality of healthcare. Truth is unfair but still true that the health facilities provided by the Government are not
adequate in compare to the large number of explosive population in the country. Since the poor are always ignored, dispirited, depressed and destitute, they cannot get into reach of the services.

Why we do?

We have 64 Motivational Centres (MCs) / pre-school to

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ADAMS arranges training on health & Watson as well as provides preventive and curative health support from its Mother & Child Healthcare Center (AMCHC). Awareness promotion on primary healthcare and family planning along with treatment service delivery, consultation, referring support, and low cost essential drugs supply are the major sector in this concern. It is important to mention that ADAMS has a well equipped 10 bedded hospital to provide clinical facilities including pathological support, ultra sonogram etc. from this centre to the rural poor community. ADAMS has been working in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector since its inception. Arsenic removal filter and rain water harvester are the main interventions for ensuring safe drinking water to rural poor. Well-designed and adaptive latrines and deep tube-wells have been installing in the disaster prone area. Awareness building and promotional materials on hygiene have been developed aiming increase awareness of poor community on water, sanitation and hygiene.


What’s in mind?

ADAMS dreams to see a healthy nation and especially in a form to the poor community who are deprived of health facilities and suffering from various diseases and malnutrition.



Contact us

ADAMS (Head Office)
130, Kedernath Road, Moheswar Pasha
Daulatpur, KUET-9203, Khulna.
Phone: +(88) 041 774426, 041 774048
For General Enquiries:

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