ADAMS (Association for Development Activity of Manifold Social-work) works as hub for under privileged people using their potentialities transforming human deprivation into human resources undertaking development initiatives since 1994 by collective efforts of educated positive thinkers.
ADAMS, indeed, is a tool for the accomplishment of the dream of empowerment; reveal potential human resources, community participated disaster management and its risks reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, rehabilitation, preservation of human rights, poverty reduction, health consciousness, basic education and vocational training.
ADAMS is a platform for hard-core poor and underprivileged people both rural and urban area to bring about positive change in their attitude and place them in the main walk of the society. In this aspect, ADAMS role is as a catalytic agent to transform human deprivation into human resources undertaken development initiatives.
Over the recent years, ADAMS adopted rights based programming to identify the constraints of better lives and livelihoods of the poorest and marginalized people, through enabling their voices in securing their legitimate claims and entitlements.
To establish eco-balanced welfare society.
Strengthening underprivileged people with the tools needed to deal with existing inconveniences and to protect destitute, deprived and distressed.
ADAMS was born keeping in mind to support poorer of the poor’s to remove blindness of the superstition, enhance capacity to earn more to be self-reliant, to make conscious of healthcare, education, human rights, food security, gender issues, child rights, disaster management and climate change affairs. Our ultimate goal is to exempt people from inconveniences of the society in order to establish an environment where people can live with peace and harmony having equal rights and dignity. ADAMS wants to be a legend for its exemplary contribution to the marginal people.
ADAMS overall objective is to enabling target people deal with socio economic, environment and right based impediments. Our main objective fields are structural and non-structural measures, fact finding and advocacy.
Capacity Building
ADAMS capacitates underprivileged poor people for improving their self-reliance. Different need based technical courses are offered from the indoor training institutes of ADAMS to reduce the dependency on weather dependent livelihoods in the rural and urban slum area deeming vulnerable to climate uncertainties to nonfarm livelihoods.
Economic Empowerment of Women
ADAMS builds a strong base to scale up women’s economic empowerment by promoting education for both child and adults, training on different components to start off business with the startup capital support. ADAMS also promotes women’s right in the work place and equal social norms.
Mother and Child Healthcare with Nutrition
ADAMS’s health program comprises activities to uphold national millennium goal of this sector. ADAMS provides preventive and curative health support from its ADAMS Mother & Child Healthcare Center (AMCHC). Awareness promotion on primary healthcare and family planning along with treatment serving delivery, consultation, referring support and low cost essential drugs supply are the major sector in this concern. Over the years, national immunization programs have also held through 12 motivational centers with AMCHC.
Climate Change; Adaptation, Mitigation & Resilience
ADAMS is implementing comprehensive climate change management program focusing adaptive capacity building, adaptation and mitigation interventions. Adaptive agriculture & fisheries, housing WATSAN are the major elements for climate change adaptation. ADAMS contributes in the mitigation intervention through tree plantation, Solar Home System (SHS), & bio-gas plant installation, solar irrigation pump, solar street light, windmill and Improved Cooking System (ICS) practices.
Food security, Shelters for homeless, Emergency Response
As a part of strategic program implementation the utmost keen interest of ADAMS to ensure vulnerable group development through sustainable livelihood. In this point of view, Food security, Sustainable livelihood, Housing for shelter less are the key concern of the organization with help of concern donors and partners.
ADAMS have been implementing projects and establishing disaster management systems since it’s inception period with the help of Government and other partners. ADAMS approaches include saving lives and livelihood, distributing relief, providing shelter as well as building communities resilience to adapt any emergency or crisis.
Inclusive Governance
ADAMS involves local community people along with it’s own stakeholders in the decision making process to come up with common good decisions that satisfy majority. To fight against poverty, inequitable power distribution, social injustice, gap between power holder and marginalized communities, we are trying to make sure everyone’s involvements, favours the overall acceptance and makes implementation easier. ADAMS follows democratic process to set policies, ensuring participation and responsive strategies & solutions.
ADAMS is duly registered with the Directorate of Social Welfare Reg. No. 544, GoB as non-government organization, NGO Affairs Bureau Reg. No. 855, under foreign donation regulation ordinance 1978 and also registered with Micro-Credit Regulatory Authority (MRA) Reg. No. 0000130
For the successful implementation of any project an effective plan is necessary. To ensure the proper execution of the project, ADAMS carries out programs according to the following plan:
i) General Body (GB) is decorating organizational policy & directs to the Executive Committee (EC) to perform. In this regard, in all sense of power & policy, the General Body holds it absolutely.
ii) The Executive Committee (EC): EC of ADAMS composed of 7 (Seven) members who are elected by the General Body (GB) of ADAMS approved by the Government authority would hold the top most authority of delegation of executing power and makes policy to execute programs implementing through Executive Director. According to the decision of Executive Committee (EC), Executive Director is liable to execute all programs with the combination of EC and must be accountable to EC.
iii) Advisory Board (AB): To implement a project, we use to form an advisory board to receive constructive suggestion and valuable discussion to bring out a fruitful outcome in favor of the program.
iv) Executive Director: The Executive Director executes all the decision and resolution of Executive Committee (EC) of ADAMS. He consults with the Advisory Board when required; He/she is the Chief Executive Officer of ADAMS. At all level Executive Director is liable to EC for the performance of his duties and responsibilities.
v) Deputy Executive Director: He / She is responsible to assist Executive Director to accomplish his assigned tasks. He is authorized to maintain communication with donors, partners and other government authorities/agencies for organization’s smooth operation. He / she is also responsible to ensure close collaboration with all the departments especially; Finance and Monitoring & Evaluation teams. Deputy Executive Director is liable to Executive Director for the performance of his duties & responsibilities.
vi) Program Coordinator: Program Coordinator of ADAMS is responsible to coordinate all the support needed to perform the project activities properly. He is authorized to closely monitoring & supervision of all sorts of development works as per project proposal & plan of action. Moreover Program Coordinator is liable to Executive Director for the performance of his duties & responsibilities.
vii) Director Admin & HR: He/she is responsible to implement all administrative policy and personnel affairs with the consultation of Executive Director.
viii) Finance Comptroller: He/she is responsible to answer any question on finance including budget, loss & profit etc. and he is considered to be the chief of all accountants including the chief one.
ix) Monitoring & Evaluation (M & E) Cell: ADAMS has a powerful & efficient monitoring & evaluation cell to monitor the programs.
ADAMS (Head Office)
130, Kedernath Road, Moheswar Pasha
Daulatpur, KUET-9203, Khulna.
Phone: +(88) 041 774426, 041 774048
For General Enquiries: