Food Security

Why we do?
Food security is the most essential rights of mankind. The one deprived of food cannot live peacefully.

Why we do?

As a part of strategic program implementation the utmost keen
interest of ADAMS to ensure vulnerable group development through sustainable livelihood. In this point of view, Food Security & Sustainable Livelihood is a key concern program of the organization. In this program, the organization works on sustainable agricultural management, production level increasing, sustainable marketing through soil health quality enhancement, improved technology transfer, capacity building of target community people oriented market promotion, awareness raising and policy advocacy.


What’s in mind?
ADAMS hates to see hunger. To eradicate the curse of hunger, it urges to all to be united to fight against.




Contact us

ADAMS (Head Office)
130, Kedernath Road, Moheswar Pasha
Daulatpur, KUET-9203, Khulna.
Phone: +(88) 041 774426, 041 774048
For General Enquiries:

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